Guide to install the HighQez Vehicle Armoury
Download Resource
Purchase the script from our HighQez Store. After the purchase, the resource will be available in your Keymaster Account
Make sure you purchase the script using the same Keymaster Account that is linked to your server. If not you will receive a warning "You lack the required entitlement".
If you receive the error mentioned above, you may have to transfer the resource from the current Keymaster account to the server's Keymaster account using the transfer feature in Keymaster.
Transfer Resource
Unzip the downloaded file and transfer it to your server's resource folder
If you are using FTP, please ensure you use WinSCP to transfer the resource to the server. If you use FileZilla, you may encounter the error "Failed to verify protected resource"
Resource Dependency
Make sure you have installed and started the below resources on your server
Start Resource
Ensure the resource in server.cfg of your server
Make sure to start the resource only after all essential server resources have been started. Follow the example below to ensure highqez_vehiclearmoury
ensure es_extended/qb-core #Don't start above this
ensure ox_lib #Don't start above this
ensure inventory #Don't start above this
#Start the HighQez resource here
ensure highqez_vehiclearmoury
#Start the rest of your resources
Resource Database
Proceed the required SQL queue to your server database
Insert the SQL query from the attached file to use the resource, depending on your framework. See below for framework-specific SQL queries
SQL query
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vehiclearmoury` (
`plate` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`data` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`plate`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;
Configure Resource
Customize the script to suit the specific requirements of your server
Open-source files are available for editing the framework function. The main configuration of the resource is provided below
Config File
-- This function will auto detect the target script that is running
local function DetectTarget()
local IS_ox_target = GetResourceState('ox_target') == 'started'
local IS_qb_target = GetResourceState('qb-target') == 'started'
if IS_ox_target then
return 'ox_target'
elseif IS_qb_target then
return 'qb-target'
return 'none'
-- This function will auto detect the inventory script that is running
local function DetectInventory()
local IS_qs_inventory = GetResourceState('qs-inventory') == 'started'
local IS_ox_inventory = GetResourceState('ox_inventory') == 'started'
if IS_qs_inventory then
return 'qs-inventory'
elseif IS_ox_inventory then
return 'ox_inventory'
return 'none'
* *
* *
Config = {}
Config.Target = DetectTarget() -- 'qb-target', 'ox_target' or DetectTarget() [Auto Detect]
Config.Inventory = DetectInventory() -- 'none', 'qs-inventory', 'ox_inventory' or DetectInventory() [Auto Detect]
Config.Jobs = { ['police'] = 0, ['sheriff'] = 0 } -- To restock the armoury (Only Works if Config.UnlimitedStock is false)
Config.ImageOnMenu = true -- If true, the item image will be shown on the menu(Only Works if Config.Inventory is 'none')
Config.Images = 'ox_inventory/web/images/' -- The path to the images folder, ONLY PNG is supported
Config.VehicleCategory = {
["class1"] = { -- The Category of the vehicle
'police', -- The vehicle that will be added to the category
["class2"] = {
Config.Weapons = {
["class1"] = { -- The items that will be added to the vehicle
[1] = {name = "WEAPON_PISTOL", job = {['police'] = 0, ['sheriff'] = 0}, amount = 10}, -- Job = {['job_name'] = minimum_job_grade} OR Job = false
[2] = {name = "WEAPON_APPISTOL", job = {['police'] = 0, ['sheriff'] = 0}, amount = 10},
[3] = {name = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE", job = {['police'] = 3, ['sheriff'] = 3}, amount = 10},
[4] = {name = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE_MK2", job = {['police'] = 2, ['sheriff'] = 2}, amount = 10},
[5] = {name = "WEAPON_ASSAULTSMG", job = {['police'] = 1, ['sheriff'] = 1}, amount = 10},
[6] = {name = "WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE", job = {['police'] = 1, ['sheriff'] = 1}, amount = 10},
[7] = {name = "WEAPON_GRENADE", job = {['police'] = 1, ['sheriff'] = 1}, amount = 10},
["class2"] = { -- The items that will be added to the vehicle
[1] = {name = "WEAPON_SMG", job = {['police'] = 0, ['sheriff'] = 0}, amount = 10},
[2] = {name = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE", job = {['police'] = 0, ['sheriff'] = 0}, amount = 10},
[3] = {name = "WEAPON_STICKYBOMB", job = {['police'] = 3, ['sheriff'] = 3}, amount = 10},
[4] = {name = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE_MK2", job = {['police'] = 2, ['sheriff'] = 2}, amount = 10},
[5] = {name = "WEAPON_ASSAULTSMG", job = {['police'] = 1, ['sheriff'] = 1}, amount = 10},
[6] = {name = "WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE", job = {['police'] = 1, ['sheriff'] = 1}, amount = 10},
[7] = {name = "WEAPON_GRENADE", job = {['police'] = 1, ['sheriff'] = 1}, amount = 10},
Config.UnlimitedStock = false -- If true, the stock will be unlimited and the restocking charge will be ignored.
Config.RestockingCharge = { -- The price to restock each vehicle (Only Works if Config.UnlimitedStock is false)
['class1'] = 10000,
['class2'] = 20000,
Config.RestockingLocations = { -- The locations to restock the vehicle (Only Works if Config.UnlimitedStock is false)
vector4(458.6814, -1022.4894, 28.2769, 93.0602),
vector4(-482.1316, 6018.5972, 31.3405, 317.6908),
--## EDIT THE BELOW IF YOU ARE USING DEFAULT ESX WHICH CONSIDER THE WEAPONS NOT AN ITEM (Ignore this for 'qs-inventory' and 'ox_inventory')
Config.ServerWeapons = { -- Add the weapons you added in Config.Weapons (Ignore this for 'qs-inventory' and 'ox_inventory')
-- Melee
weapon_dagger = { label = 'Dagger' },
weapon_bat = { label = 'Bat' },
weapon_bottle = { label = 'Broken Bottle' },
weapon_crowbar = { label = 'Crowbar' },
weapon_flashlight = { label = 'Flashlight' },
weapon_golfclub = { label = 'Golfclub' },
weapon_hammer = { label = 'Hammer' },
weapon_hatchet = { label = 'Hatchet' },
weapon_knuckle = { label = 'Knuckle' },
weapon_knife = { label = 'Knife' },
weapon_machete = { label = 'Machete' },
weapon_switchblade = { label = 'Switchblade' },
weapon_nightstick = { label = 'Nightstick' },
weapon_wrench = { label = 'Wrench' },
weapon_battleaxe = { label = 'Battle Axe' },
weapon_poolcue = { label = 'Poolcue' },
weapon_briefcase = { label = 'Briefcase' },
weapon_briefcase_02 = { label = 'Suitcase' },
weapon_garbagebag = { label = 'Garbage Bag' },
weapon_handcuffs = { label = 'Handcuffs' },
weapon_bread = { label = 'Baquette' },
weapon_stone_hatchet = { label = 'Stone Hatchet' },
weapon_candycane = { label = 'Candy Cane' },
-- Handguns
weapon_pistol = { label = 'Walther P99' },
weapon_pistol_mk2 = { label = 'Pistol Mk II' },
weapon_combatpistol = { label = 'Combat Pistol' },
weapon_appistol = { label = 'AP Pistol' },
weapon_stungun = { label = 'Taser' },
weapon_pistol50 = { label = 'Pistol .50' },
weapon_snspistol = { label = 'SNS Pistol' },
weapon_heavypistol = { label = 'Heavy Pistol' },
weapon_vintagepistol = { label = 'Vintage Pistol' },
weapon_flaregun = { label = 'Flare Gun' },
weapon_marksmanpistol = { label = 'Marksman Pistol' },
weapon_revolver = { label = 'Revolver' },
weapon_revolver_mk2 = { label = 'Violence' },
weapon_doubleaction = { label = 'Double Action Revolver' },
weapon_snspistol_mk2 = { label = 'SNS Pistol Mk II' },
weapon_raypistol = { label = 'Up-n-Atomizer' },
weapon_ceramicpistol = { label = 'Ceramic Pistol' },
weapon_navyrevolver = { label = 'Navy Revolver' },
weapon_gadgetpistol = { label = 'Perico Pistol' },
weapon_pistolxm3 = { label = 'Pistol XM3' },
-- Submachine Guns
weapon_microsmg = { label = 'Micro SMG' },
weapon_smg = { label = 'SMG' },
weapon_smg_mk2 = { label = 'SMG Mk II' },
weapon_assaultsmg = { label = 'Assault SMG' },
weapon_combatpdw = { label = 'Combat PDW' },
weapon_machinepistol = { label = 'Tec-9' },
weapon_minismg = { label = 'Mini SMG' },
weapon_raycarbine = { label = 'Unholy Hellbringer' },
-- Shotguns
weapon_pumpshotgun = { label = 'Pump Shotgun' },
weapon_sawnoffshotgun = { label = 'Sawn-off Shotgun' },
weapon_assaultshotgun = { label = 'Assault Shotgun' },
weapon_bullpupshotgun = { label = 'Bullpup Shotgun' },
weapon_musket = { label = 'Musket' },
weapon_heavyshotgun = { label = 'Heavy Shotgun' },
weapon_dbshotgun = { label = 'Double-barrel Shotgun' },
weapon_autoshotgun = { label = 'Auto Shotgun' },
weapon_pumpshotgun_mk2 = { label = 'Pumpshotgun Mk II' },
weapon_combatshotgun = { label = 'Combat Shotgun' },
-- Assault Rifles
weapon_assaultrifle = { label = 'Assault Rifle' },
weapon_assaultrifle_mk2 = { label = 'Assault Rifle Mk II' },
weapon_carbinerifle = { label = 'Carbine Rifle' },
weapon_carbinerifle_mk2 = { label = 'Carbine Rifle Mk II' },
weapon_advancedrifle = { label = 'Advanced Rifle' },
weapon_specialcarbine = { label = 'Special Carbine' },
weapon_bullpuprifle = { label = 'Bullpup Rifle' },
weapon_compactrifle = { label = 'Compact Rifle' },
weapon_specialcarbine_mk2 = { label = 'Special Carbine Mk II' },
weapon_bullpuprifle_mk2 = { label = 'Bullpup Rifle Mk II' },
weapon_militaryrifle = { label = 'Military Rifle' },
-- Light Machine Guns
weapon_mg = { label = 'Machinegun' },
weapon_combatmg = { label = 'Combat MG' },
weapon_gusenberg = { label = 'Thompson SMG' },
weapon_combatmg_mk2 = { label = 'Combat MG Mk II' },
-- Sniper Rifles
weapon_sniperrifle = { label = 'Sniper Rifle' },
weapon_heavysniper = { label = 'Heavy Sniper' },
weapon_marksmanrifle = { label = 'Marksman Rifle' },
weapon_remotesniper = { label = 'Remote Sniper' },
weapon_heavysniper_mk2 = { label = 'Heavy Sniper Mk II' },
weapon_marksmanrifle_mk2 = { label = 'Marksman Rifle Mk II' },
-- Heavy Weapons
weapon_rpg = { label = 'RPG' },
weapon_grenadelauncher = { label = 'Grenade Launcher' },
weapon_grenadelauncher_smoke = { label = 'Smoke Grenade Launcher' },
weapon_minigun = { label = 'Minigun' },
weapon_firework = { label = 'Firework Launcher' },
weapon_railgun = { label = 'Railgun' },
weapon_railgunxm3 = { label = 'Railgun XM3' },
weapon_hominglauncher = { label = 'Homing Launcher' },
weapon_compactlauncher = { label = 'Compact Launcher' },
weapon_rayminigun = { label = 'Widowmaker' },
-- Throwables
weapon_grenade = { label = 'Grenade' },
weapon_bzgas = { label = 'BZ Gas' },
weapon_molotov = { label = 'Molotov' },
weapon_stickybomb = { label = 'C4' },
weapon_proxmine = { label = 'Proxmine Grenade' },
weapon_snowball = { label = 'Snowball' },
weapon_pipebomb = { label = 'Pipe Bomb' },
weapon_ball = { label = 'Ball' },
weapon_smokegrenade = { label = 'Smoke Grenade' },
weapon_flare = { label = 'Flare pistol' },
-- Miscellaneous
weapon_petrolcan = { label = 'Petrol Can' },
weapon_fireextinguisher = { label = 'Fire Extinguisher' },
weapon_hazardcan = { label = 'Hazardous Jerry Can' },
Last updated
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